Growth Hacking Internship arrives at Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences
We're kicking off this internship as a 15-credit practical training course soon at a local university of applied sciences.
Venture capital investor at Icebreaker.vc and growth hacker. A former Head of Growth behind over 15% MoM growth of Freska, the biggest home-cleaning company in Nordics.
We're kicking off this internship as a 15-credit practical training course soon at a local university of applied sciences.
Here's the first success story and testimonial from what the international talent can do best: help Finnish companies go global.
It's all about making it super easy for Finnish companies to hire international talent already located in Finland.
We’re in the process of creating something special at Herizon – ViiviGPT.
Keskeinen este työllistymiselle ei ole ainoastaan kielitaito, vaan myös kulttuurinen ymmärrys – sekä työnhakijoiden että työnantajien osalta.
Started as a side hustle at Icebreaker.vc, and now we’re making real waves.
Suomeen saapuvien kansainvälisten opiskelijoiden määrä on kasvanut merkittävästi viime vuosina, ja tämän kasvun myötä on noussut esiin merkittäviä haasteita heidän työllistymisensä osalta.
Now is the time to train and employ 100,000 women.