Our fractional SDR contacted 250 prospects and got 4 pilots in 2 weeks

Here's the first success story and testimonial from what the international talent can do best: help Finnish companies go global.

Our fractional SDR contacted 250 prospects and got 4 pilots in 2 weeks

We've been piloting a fractional staffing service to make international talent-hiring easier than ever. Here's the first success story and testimonial from what the international talent can do best: help Finnish companies go global.

I wanted to share a bit more of what's been happening on our end. We've had an incredible couple of weeks, thanks to the efforts of our fractional SDR. She reached out to 250 companies, and the outcome? We secured four pilots in just a couple of weeks. That's not just a win; it's a leap forward for an early-stage startup.

This wasn't about quantity over quality. Our SDR put in the effort to understand each company, tailoring our pitch to meet their unique challenges and goals. It's about creating connections that count, not just making contact.

These four pilots are more than just numbers on a board; they're our chance to show what we can do and fine-tune our services based on real-world feedback. We're not just excited; we're grateful for the opportunity to prove our worth.

On the note of gratitude, we've got to give a massive shoutout to the team at Kuulu.io, especially Senni Moilanen. Their testimonial about working with us, going from a standstill to gaining significant momentum, really highlights the impact of our collaboration. Their DEI efforts are about to take off, and we're glad to be a part of that journey.

Senni Moilanen (she/they) on LinkedIn: I am super excited to share that we have not closed one but.... 🥁 ...… | 15 comments
I am super excited to share that we have not closed one but.... 🥁 .... FOUR pilot customers from Sweden! And each one of them we are super excited to work… | 15 comments on LinkedIn

These pilots are just the beginning. We're motivated to keep this energy going, learning and growing from each new challenge. It's about building on each success and forging even more meaningful partnerships.

That’s the update from here. Thanks for tuning in, and here's to more stories of progress and partnership down the line.

Need a fractional SDR or fractional help in general?

Here’s how to contact my amazing colleague Meri-Kaisla:

Email: merikaisla@herizon.io

Call or WhatsApp: +358 44 091 2940

- Mari