Success Stories: Darja Ahmad & Vext

Darja Ahmad from LAB collaborated with Vext, a startup that delivers high-quality, sustainable, and user-friendly smart garden solutions.

Success Stories: Darja Ahmad & Vext

Welcome to the highlights of our Growth Hacking Internship program! ✨

We interviewed Darja Ahmad, a student at LAB University of Applied Sciences and a current Growth Hacking Intern at Herizon.

Darja collaborated with Vext, a company that specializes in delivering high-quality, sustainable, and user-friendly smart garden solutions, and here are Darja’s thoughts on her collaboration with her company and Herizon over the past two and half months.

Here’s a highlight that Darja shared with us:

The collaboration with Herizon has been amazing. I've had the privilege of meeting so many talented and inspiring people while learning a great deal along the way. The material provided by Herizon was incredibly beneficial and clear, offering a wide range of videos and texts that were instrumental in my work with Vext. Sini, Chiara, Sophie M., and Daria, in particular, were all there to support me and everyone participating in the internship. Their dedication and hard work were truly inspiring, and I admired the way they approached their work with such professionalism and passion. They were always ready to help and answer any questions, making the experience even more rewarding.
One thing that stood out to me was realizing the importance of having a relevant and measurable objective. For example, the blogs I wrote for SEO and the template I made were efforts aimed at driving orders, but I have no idea if any of those were directly responsible for someone ordering the product. This experience highlighted for me why it’s crucial to set clear, relevant objectives and continuously track their impact.
Darja and team Vext.

How has the collaboration been with your case company? Share your growth hacking progress, examples, learnings and observations.

The collaboration with Vext was an incredible learning experience—a dynamic and fast-paced environment that felt like a fun rollercoaster ride. As someone new to the startup world, I was initially overwhelmed by how quickly things could change. One week, we’d be focused on one strategy, and the next, we’d pivot entirely. However, I quickly realized that this was all part of the learning process. I didn’t have to know everything right away, and that realization allowed me to relax and truly enjoy the journey.

My primary objective for the internship was to help Vext reach 100 orders. While we knew this might be a challenging target, the process of strategizing ways to achieve it pushed me to think bigger and explore a wide range of possibilities. Even though we didn’t hit the goal, the journey was incredibly valuable. The research and brainstorming involved taught me so much and opened my mind to new ideas and solutions.

During my time with Vext, I gained hands-on experience in various aspects of content creation, advertising, and social media management. I developed and executed social media strategies, shifting from AI-generated content to more authentic, human-centric posts that resonated better with our audience. I also designed a "How to Choose the Best Product" template on Canva, aimed at increasing website traffic and growing our mailing list by encouraging visitors to sign up. My work included authoring SEO-optimized blog posts to boost organic traffic and conducting A/B tests on Facebook ads, experimenting with different formats like video ads and AI-generated images. Additionally, I launched an SEM campaign with Google Ads, which taught me valuable lessons in digital ad management despite initial inconclusive results. Throughout this process, I regularly monitored social media performance, managed posting schedules, and ensured our content stayed engaging and relevant. Many of these tasks were new to me, but I eagerly researched and learned each one, deepening my understanding and skills in the process.

Working closely with Christian, the CEO of Vext; Niklas, the CFO; Vincent, the Tech genius; and Fatih, the Tech intern, was inspiring. I’m deeply thankful to them for being so kind and welcoming and for the opportunity to work alongside such intelligent and driven individuals. Their passion for their business at such a young age is truly inspiring, and I have no doubt that they will achieve amazing things in the future.

How has the collaboration been with Herizon? Share examples, learnings and observations.

The collaboration with Herizon has been amazing. I've had the privilege of meeting so many talented and inspiring people while learning a great deal along the way. The material provided by Herizon was incredibly beneficial and clear, offering a wide range of videos and texts that were instrumental in my work with Vext. Sini, Chiara, Sophie M., and Daria, in particular, were all there to support me and everyone participating in the internship. Their dedication and hard work were truly inspiring, and I admired the way they approached their work with such professionalism and passion. They were always ready to help and answer any questions, making the experience even more rewarding.

Through this collaboration, I gained a wealth of insights and practical knowledge across various aspects of growth hacking. I learned the importance of systematic testing and iteration in driving business growth and how aligning the entire company around this strategy is crucial for success. Setting clear goals using frameworks like OKRs, balanced with Pirate Metrics, taught me the importance of long-term sustainable growth. I also explored the potential of tools like ChatGPT for content creation, task management, and prompt engineering, all of which significantly enhanced our efficiency.

The experience underscored the need for thorough documentation, effective communication, and solid task management to keep all stakeholders informed and aligned. I learned the importance of building a strong foundation before diving into growth hacking, ensuring that testing and experimentation are strategically directed. Continuous testing, analysis, and skill development were emphasized as key components of a successful growth strategy. Sessions with industry experts provided valuable insights that expanded my understanding of the broader industry landscape and potential growth opportunities.

One thing that stood out to me was realizing the importance of having a relevant and measurable objective. For example, the blogs I wrote for SEO and the template I made were efforts aimed at driving orders, but I have no idea if any of those were directly responsible for someone ordering the product. This experience highlighted for me why it’s crucial to set clear, relevant objectives and continuously track their impact.

While many of these concepts were new to me, I eagerly researched and absorbed everything I could, deepening my expertise and ability to contribute effectively.

Have you had any success cases at work that you'd want to share?

During my internship, I achieved notable success with social media management. I developed content that resonated well with our audience, and I received positive feedback from the CEO, who mentioned that some people had remarked on the improved quality of Vext’s social media presence. This feedback was a testament to the effectiveness of the strategies and content I implemented, highlighting a significant enhancement in our social media engagement.

On Facebook, our post impressions surged by 142% (485 -> 1173), with reactions increasing by an impressive 518% (17 -> 105). The post reach expanded by 199% (263 -> 785), and page and post engagements skyrocketed by 2085% (44 -> 961), demonstrating the impact of the content and ads. Notably, we also saw an increase in link clicks, driving more traffic to the Vext website.

Instagram also saw remarkable growth, with ‘accounts reached’ increasing by 4222% (875 -> 37.8K) and impressions rising by 1066% (4923 -> 57402). The post reach on Instagram grew by 1482% (2869 -> 45386), and accounts engaged were up by 476% (55 -> 317), indicating that our content was not only being seen but also actively engaged with by a broader audience.

On LinkedIn, we experienced a 120% (6554 -> 14 419) increase in impressions and a 400% (4 -> 20) increase in posts, contributing to a 10% (21 -> 23) growth in new followers. Additionally, we saw a 31% (625 -> 819) increase in clicks, further expanding our reach and engagement on the platform.

How could Herizon have made your experience as an intern even 1% better/easier/etc.?

My experience with Herizon was largely positive, but one area for improvement could be organizing smaller groups of interns to work on similar projects. This would enhance focused support and collaboration. Although I felt well-supported, having a smaller group would have made it easier to get to know the other interns and bond over our shared tasks. With the large group size, it was difficult to keep track of everyone’s projects and build those connections.

If you would join the program again, what would you do differently as an intern? All thoughts help us to give better support to other interns.

If I were to join the program again, I would come prepared with a list of specific questions to better understand the company I'd be working with. This would include inquiries about their goals, tone of voice, branding elements like colors and fonts, and any other key details that define their identity. Having this information upfront would help in setting realistic and targeted goals, ensuring that my efforts align closely with the company’s vision. Additionally, I’d make sure to review and understand all the materials thoroughly before starting the internship to balance familiarizing myself with the company and engaging with the curriculum effectively. Lastly, I’d actively seek out opportunities from the beginning for smaller group discussions to gain more focused support and contribute more effectively.

Would you recommend other students to join this program as well? If yes, why?

Yes, I would definitely recommend other students to join this program. Regardless of how your journey unfolds, you will learn something valuable—whether it’s about how a company operates, industry-specific terms, or the transition from being a student to entering the business world.

Moreover, you’ll meet amazing people who will support and help you throughout your journey. Even if this isn’t your chosen career path, the skills and knowledge you gain will be invaluable. I guarantee that anyone who joins will learn a lot and grow both personally and professionally.

Darja, thank you for participating in our Growth Hacking Internship Program and we wish you progress and success in your current and upcoming projects! 💜