Herizon Impact Newsletter 5/2024
Here's our monthly review of what we've been cooking up the past few weeks! Grab an ice cream and enjoy the read.
Here's our monthly review of what we've been cooking up the past few weeks! Grab an ice cream and enjoy the read.
Behind the Scenes
Can you indie hack a nonprofit by shipping software products like madman? This is a story of how Herizon ships software MVPs.
Our team at Herizon has decided on the goals for this year.
Welcome to read a success story with Arkiste!
Sharing insights into the internship selection process. Learn about common mistakes and how to improve your job applications.
We interviewed Lilian Zsakai, CEO of Targenta, which has been part of our Haaga-Helia Internship program as a client company. "I appreciate the agility and flexibility of this program."
Herizon's annual summer picnic is here again! We kicked off an entrepreneurship program called Herizon Launchpad, published our job application assistant tool and more.
Support Herizon's nonprofit mission by purchasing growth hacking tools and templates in our new resource store.
"Mari, when will you start your own startup?" Here it is, finally.
Write better job applications with Herizon's Job Application Assistant for just €5/month. Tailored advice, and multilingual support.
Herizonin keskeiset palvelut, jotka voivat hyödyttää julkista sektoria kansainvälisten osaajien työllistämisessä ja yhteistyömahdollisuuksien kehittämisessä.
Konkreettiset vinkit julkisen sektorin työntekijöille tehostamaan yritysyhteistöiden hankkimista.