Our goals for 2024

Our team at Herizon has decided on the goals for this year.

Our goals for 2024

Our team at Herizon has decided on the goals for this year.

For our accountability, I've decided to share them publicly and explain why we chose these goals and how we aim to reach them.

North Star: Get international talent employed somehow and we'll find a way to get money.

Surprisingly, this has been working so far. We heavily prioritize the proven activities that create real jobs and don't do anything else.

1. Achieve employment for 200 immigrants, contributing to €600K monthly salaries.

Last year we helped to get 133 individuals employed contributing approximately €400K monthly salaries paid.

Currently what works the best, is improving one's employability, which we will call "Person Employability Maturity (PEM)" from now on.

In practice, this means for instance having a LinkedIn profile and being active on LinkedIn, which we can achieve by offering the free monthly LinkedIn Bootcamp.

2. Provide 300 international students with practical internship opportunities in collaboration with 7 Finnish universities of applied sciences.

UAS Growth Hacking Internship pilot has been very successful so we aim to scale it.

Currently, we're at 81 interns and 4 schools in the pilot cohorts. 50 more interns and 2 more schools have been agreed upon for the H2/2024.

Our ambition is to aim higher and have the program in all the Finnish schools, so we're still looking for one additional school and scale the number of students for the rest of the year.

There are also a lot of learnings related to improving the person's employability (PEM!) from the pilot cohorts we'll be working on during the summer making the UAS GHI even better and more impactful in terms of employment.

3. Organize and host 150 events tailored to immigrants' needs.

Networking events and community activities have been another cornerstone of Herizon's non-profit side that has a proven impact on employability. Last year Viivi arranged over 130 events during 7 months, so this should be very doable.

Events we currently produce:

  • Weekly coworking and networking sessions
  • Weekly F2F meetup
  • Weekly Finnish speaking group
  • Monthly LinkedIn Bootcamp
  • Visits to local companies
  • Collaboration events

If you're not yet part of our community where you can access all the events, join Herizon for Talent.

4. 2000 talents in the CRM with mapped competencies.

Previously Herizon's talent pool has grown organically and now is the time to understand better the drivers of growth to make it more predictable. Our internal goal is to reach a growth rate of 15% MoM and to reach it we need to understand what grows the community.

Experimenting and understanding the growth of the community is one area our quarterly intern will be working with.

5. 1 major public sector integration related to TE24 (B2G).

We've been discussing with many of the employment areas to integrate the best practices from the capital area and our software solutions in the national employment services related to the reform of TE services. Many interesting projects are currently in the works here.

6. Corporate product-market fit (scalable revenue validation) (B2B).

To build a sustainable model of funding the non-profit services for international talent (LinkedIn Bootcamps and events to name a few), we're working on product/market fit validation with B2B this year.

We currently have a service model validation of flexible staffing, and the next step is to expand the service solutions to more scalable software solutions. ViiviGPT has a couple of B2B MVPs currently in development and testing, and we're actively contacting companies from our network to identify a potential problem-solution fit to start with.

If you have ideas related to improving our main focus areas for 2024, Herizon team is always interested to hear your thoughts. You can find our contact details on our website and also share your ideas at our community events.