Hiring experience from Resistomap

Hiring experience from Windi Muziasari, PhD, CEO of Resistomap, a biotechnology company.

Hiring experience from Resistomap

We are proud to share the success stories of companies that have collaborated with Herizon to discover and hire top talent from our community. ✨

Our mission is to connect driven and skilled internationals with organizations that value innovation and growth. And our goal for 2024 is to achieve employment for 200 immigrants, contributing to €600K monthly salaries.

Below is a testimonial from Windi Muziasari, PhD, CEO of Resistomap, a biotechnology company, who has experienced firsthand the impact of welcoming talents from Herizon community into their team.

Why have you chosen Herizon to support you with your talent needs? 

Because it is Mari-things! I have followed Mari's posts since the early stages of Resistomap. So naturally I feel comfortable to look for the talent from Herizon.

How would you describe your experience collaborating with Herizon in hiring talent from our community? 

We evaluated several applications to be selected for the interview stage. Sina Khabbazi from Iran, being a member of Herizon, automatically got bigger points to be selected for the interview stage.

Windi (center), Sina (right), and the Resistomap team

How has the experience been working with the talent(s) you hired through Herizon? 

For the past 5 months, it's been a pleasant experience working with Sina, and he is also motivated to work better as a marketing and sales specialist. He works well with the other team members too.

Within these few months, he is setting up the CRM from scratch in Hubspot for us, and running customer engagement campaigns on his own.

Sina contributes to the marketing strategies, too.

Would you recommend other companies to work with Herizon? If yes, why? 

YES, because it's kind of an assurance that the talent has been filtered and learned how things work in the working culture in Finland. Great work and thank you for the excellent initiative!

Windi, thank you for collaborating with Herizon and we wish you growth in your current and upcoming projects! πŸ’œ