Haaga-Helia intern delivered 400 community members in 4 weeks

Roshan Wickramarathne, a student at Haaga-Helia UAS delivered measurable success during his internship.

Haaga-Helia intern delivered 400 community members in 4 weeks

Welcome to the highlights of our Growth Hacking Internship program! ✨

So far, two companies we've partnered with have shared their success stories. Now, it's time to explore the view from the other side of the bridge. So let’s hear from Herizon’s growth hacking interns about their experiences.

We interviewed Roshan Wickramarathne, a student at Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences and a current Growth Hacking Intern at Herizon.

Roshan has been assigned the project of enrolling 100 immigrants into Herizon’s Telegram channel, a social media channel Herizon uses to promote free monthly LinkedIn Bootcamp for job seekers, and here are Roshan’s thoughts on his collaboration with Herizon over the past two months.

This program serves as a successful bridge to entering the Nordic job market, making it an invaluable experience for anyone looking to advance their career.

We'll start with a highlight that Roshan shared with us:

Herizon instilled in me the confidence that I can learn new things, take on challenges, and achieve success. Even when I doubted my abilities, Herizon provided me with real-world challenges and opportunities to test my skills and take risks.

Roshan Wickramarathne's internship at Herizon has been extremely successful.

How did you join Herizon's Growth Hacking Internship Program?

As summer holidays approached, I received a message from our study counselor at Haaga-Helia about the Herizon’s summer Growth Hacking cohort, detailing the application process and requirements. I applied, and to my delight, within two days, an email arrived confirming my selection for the internship. I was ecstatic and eager to learn more about the program.

Emails from Sini and Mari soon followed, providing further details and discussing the internship agreement. 

I prepared for my meeting with my case company. During this meeting, Mari was present and informed me that I was assigned to Herizon. She outlined my goals and responsibilities for the next 10 to 12 weeks.

Roshan's weekly report during the program.

Would you like to share more on your success case?

The progress in this project has been remarkable. My initial goal was to have 100 immigrants join our Telegram channel, and I am thrilled to share that this target was achieved within the first week of our campaign launch. By the second week, our community had grown to nearly 300 members.

The success didn't stop there. Remarketing efforts in the subsequent week proved to be highly effective, yielding impressive results and further boosting our reach. By the end of the third week of the project, the channel had 420 members.

This experience taught me that with trust in myself and the right practice, I can master any new skill, much like the Growth Hacking techniques we used in the Program.

Would you recommend other UAS students to join this GH program as well? If yes, why?

Yes, I would highly recommend other students to join this Growth Hacking program. It is specifically designed for individuals with an immigrant background, offering the opportunity to utilize their transferable skills.

Learning and practicing growth hacking techniques not only adds immense value to one's personal and professional life but also opens doors to numerous career opportunities.

This program serves as a successful bridge to entering the Nordic job market, making it an invaluable experience for anyone looking to advance their career.

Roshan, thank you for participating in our Growth Hacking Internship Program and we wish you progress and success in your current and upcoming projects! 💜