Growth Hacking Internship arrives at Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences

We're kicking off this internship as a 15-credit practical training course soon at a local university of applied sciences.

Growth Hacking Internship arrives at Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences

Hello from Herizon! Our mission is to help highly educated immigrants find great jobs in Finland. We started with a successful side hustle of our founder and venture capitalist Mari who piloted a growth hacking internship at 4 years ago. Training 100 international talents in growth hacking, 94% of them landed full-time jobs immediately. Encouraged by this, we formed a non-profit, raised funds, and built a team to expand our efforts.

Last year, we assisted 133 international talents in securing jobs. We've found that companies are sometimes hesitant to hire international talent immediately, but when they see the value these individuals can bring to a project, they often decide to hire them. To make this easier, we're expanding our signature growth hacking internship program in collaboration with Finnish universities.

We're kicking off this internship as a 15-credit practical training course soon at a local university of applied sciences. This program is a great fit for students studying business or IT near graduation.

The idea is simple: students do an internship, either full-time or part-time, for 2-3 months where they work on solving a company's growth challenge by trying out new ideas every week. We provide a video course and tasks, support through Slack groups, and help students find real companies to practice their skills. Our goal is not just to help students gain valuable experience they can talk about, like on LinkedIn, but also to open doors for them to stay and work at these companies.

Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting initiative, and if you're interested in joining or offering an internship spot, reach out to us!

University, are you interested in a growth hacking internship? Let Meri-Kaisla know: +358440912940 or